SIP Scootershop Open Day 2022

Following a Covid enforced two year break, Saturday 28th May saw the long awaited return of SIP Scootershop’s Open Day extravanganza…

”Not only was the sun shining from 10am onwards, but so were the faces of the 2,000 or so visitors who trickled in from near and far that day. They came by Vespa or Lambretta, by motorhome or motorbike, in a pick-up truck or even on foot. They came from all over Germany as well as from Austria, Italy, France and Switzerland. They were men and women, young and old; tuners, screwers, scooter boys, racers and Sunday riders who finally wanted to see their scooter friends again, whom they had sorely missed during the years of lack. And we at SIP Scootershop were damn happy to be able to offer a worthy setting for it. The SIP Scootershop team around showrunner Christian put a lot of effort into the preparation and organised a perfect day.

Steffi, Mascha and Stephan guided the guests through the hallowed halls of SIP and gave them a glimpse behind the scenes. In the flagship store, Olli, Nico and Fabi were available for expert advice, while Max and Angelo were in charge of the open-air parts sales. Jesco worked as a field reporter or supervised the test stand together with André. In our finally tidy workshop, Robert presented the SIP custom scooters. DJ Leo Ernst provided the right soundtrack and the crew from the Siperia supplied the Vespa fans with cold drinks and original Italian pizza, paninis and salsiccia.”
- Ralf Jodl (SIP Managing Director)

SIP founders - Ralf Jodl & Alex Barth

Read the full 2022 SIP Open Day report on the SIP blog here plus view the full Flickr photo album here

Thanks to Ralf for sharing ; )

Beautiful Landsberg, Bavaria - home to SIP HQ