
The title of Wendy van ‘t Klooster’s photo certainly captures the essence of this wonderful country. I love the uniform colours and how the chameleon-like Vespa 50 Special is camouflaged by its surroundings.

Holland resident Wendy took this excellent photo in Matera in Southern Italy’s Basilicata region; most famous for its “Sassi” - a complex of cave dwellings that were carved into the mountainside by local inhabitants. The last of these dwellers were evacuated in 1952 and now a few remaining Sassi have become boutique hotels for visiting tourists.

Dank je Wendy ; )

Wendy’s photo reminds me of a Vespa I photographed in Noto, while on holiday in Sicily in 2007, see here and here - the Vespa similarly blending in to its rustic environment.